The scientific literature suggests that, in the treatment of anxiety disorders, that psychological interventions can be very effective. However, there are some patients where they aren't working optimally and introducing medication can be quite effective
“In the field of pediatric primary care, there is a dire need for affordable and accessible mental health care strategies,” the authors note. More than half of teens with mental health disorders don’t receive professional care, and among those, teens with anxiety disorders are the least lik...
Good afternoon, I am asking for prayer to help my daughter get thru this depression and anxiety that is lingering over her…She is 20 years old and has had thoughts of hurting herself…She has dealt with a lot in her 20 years and I am worried for her…She does she a therapist but ...
abbreviation for (Pharmacology) selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor; any of a class of drugs, including fluvoxamine, paroxetine, fluoxetine (Prozac), and Lustral, that increase concentrations of serotonin in the brain: used in the treatment of depression ...
sure to discuss other medications you take, any precautions specifically for you when starting a new med, how to stop SSRIs (they should be tapered so you don’t experience withdrawal symptoms), and any concerns about a raised risk of suicide taking these (and any other antidepressant meds)...
Anxiety is a part of life –Everyone feels it at one time or the other We fail to make eye contact Avoid talking to someone A disorder characterized by distressing, persistent anxiety or maladaptive behaviors that reduce anxiety –Generalized anxiety –Panic disorder –Phobias –Obsessive Compulsive...
Then there are the anxiety dreams that are straightforward…Direct. Blunt. Like a club to the head. That is the kind I’ve been having all week. I see myself back in the professional program I recently completed, but the instructor will not look at me… ...
She thought it would make me like her even more if I knew she would pretty much do anything. She thought all guys should like it. She saw a shrink once a week and was on 3 meds for Bipolar ADHD and Bulemia. Wonder why she had to see a shrink and take all those meds? Im guessin...
The dose is tightly defined. “There’s a very narrow range of doses where ketamine is effective for depression but not anesthetic,” Krystal says. For treating other conditions – such asanxiety, pain, PTSD, orbipolar disorder– there are differences in doses, number of treatments, and leng...
s mom who recently had a cerebral hemorrhage. Medications I’ll be bringing back for them, family and friends: children’s cough syrup, Omega 3, glaucoma eye drops, multi-vitamins, B complex, blood pressure, cholesterol, anti-anxiety and Parkinson’s meds, antihistamines. burn cream and ...