Locusts and grasshoppers are major economic pests, but their genetic information is lacking, partly because their genomes are often very large. Currently, there are data for more than 100 genomes of Orthoptera species in the Genome Size Database ( The known variation in Ortho...
What causes primroses (Primula species) to become male or female? Is there a stage in development where you can do something to change the gender of the flowers? What is the name of the part of the leaf that attaches to the stem?
No, you can’t taste a difference between male and female bell peppers because there is no such thing as a male or female bell pepper or any other pepper. The whole idea of male or female pepper fruits comes from a common myth that claims you can tell the gender of ...
We here demonstrate that a tephritid fruit fly, the Queensland fruit fly Bactrocera tryoni, is able to detect and respond differentially to volatile olfactory cues from four potential predators (three spiders and an ant) that vary in prevalence and diurnal activity. Male and female flies increased...
It is notable that these sex robots are commonly referred to as sexbots or fembots, but there is seldom reference to a malebot, though makers suggest that they can or will be made. Others (notably the makers) see this technology as no different from a vibrator or dildo and suggest that...
Luckily, scientists have found many ways to control catkins. Doing “gender change surgery (变性手术)” on willows and poplar trees is one of them. People cut off the branches of female trees and take the place of them with branches from male trees. This cuts down the number of catkins...
After this attachment, the male secretes enzymes that break down both the oral cavity of the male and the adjacent skin of the female. This allows the male and female tissues to merge at the level of the vascular systems and enables the male to receive nutrients from the female. Apart ...
Male giraffes are larger than females. Males weigh between 2,400 and 3,000 pounds and stand up to 19 feet tall! Female giraffes weigh between 1,600 and 2,600 pounds and grow to be 16 feet tall. Their long necks help giraffes eat leaves from tall trees, typically acacia trees. If they...
These scholars erroneously claimed success, presenting family trees purported to demonstrate that Y-chromosomal genes were responsible for hairy ears, scaly skin and other traits. Meanwhile, light microscopic studies of human cells provided strong physical evidence of the existence of a male- specific ...
used to sex modern cremated remains, indicating that sexually diagnostic traits differ between populations across time and space. Nonetheless, they suggest that, for ancient populations with large sample sizes, thestatistical methodsused in this study may be able to differentiate male and female ...