Sure you have the intro, and some small stuff here and there, but that would never be or should be the priority. If you want Cutscenes then you might want to try Metro or something else. "It's their baby." And? It's a commercial product after all. And while I would ne...
Producer, writer, director, political maven, media mogul--a man of many and sometimes contradictory parts--Lear has come full circle, returning to what he knows best, making an ambitious sitcom and veering off, he maintains, on yet another uncharted path. Advertisement The vehicle is “Sunday...
There are things that still need work like discs spinning up all the time regardless of playing a game. I feel like the engineers don’t actually play on the console to realize how baffling some of this daily use stuff is. but that’s besides the point. Obtuse Sony. Still have to give...
Also another thing that happened is that after a few times that I lost power, my external 8TB HDD on my PS5.. it remembered the games that was there, but when I tried to lookup the games on there from the menu, the HDD didn’t respond to showcase. Later I tried to restore lic...
I am not going to buy another PS3 just to play a small handful of games I really would like to play again. Secondly, this is full 1080p games and new models/lighting. For Uncharted 1 at least it should benefit greatly from it – don’t see what the problem is. Thirdly, ...
Another world is not only possible, it’s probable. A Miracle We Give Ourselves ByRebekah I notice there’s a tendency in me and in society to avoid the deep and dark places. We are uncomfortable with displays of depression and despair. ...
There never was a moment, and never will be, when we are without the power to alter our destiny. This second, we can turn the tables on Resistance. This second, we can sit down and do our work. Creating soap opera in our lives is a symptom of Resistance. Why put in years of ...
Anastasio says his most exhilarating live moments are when the band goes “completely off the map” into uncharted musical territory. “And there are many of them … where I don’t know where the downbeat is, and I don’t know what key we’re in anymore. And my head is exploding abou...
Another thing I never thought I'd hear, but we're already two deep in Horizon: Zero Dawn and Days Gone, plusUncharted 4confirmed for early 2022. Nathan Drake on PC is like Nintendo casually dropping a sanctioned Super Mario Sunshine port. We'll always be a little behind the PlayStation ...
“There is Another Will whose service is perfect freedom…Whoever is aware of this is aware of God, even if he is not aware that he is aware of Him.” Baillie goes on to speak of an “authority we here encounter…of One who loves us better than we love ourselves.” (Baillie 1939,...