17. You know, the difference between our jobs is not numbers or styles. It's that I know I'm gonna fail. Even if I save a million people, there's gonna be another million. You couldn't handle that. I think you resent anyone who can. 你知道,我们职责的差别不在于治病人数和治病风格,...
Living without an aimis like sailing without a compass. 生活没有目标,就像航海没有指南针。 首先,我们看一下单词。There are 3 words should be pointed out: 1. aim 目标 生活中我们都有大大小小的目标,那么你的目标是什么呢?打游戏换装备,过四级或者六级,又或是找个男盆友女盆友? So the aim of ...
I was picking up my dry cleaning one day, and there was his car, parked across the street at some seedy motel.seedy:肮脏的,邋遢破烂的。形容人或地方 28:32 I wanted to catch him in the act, but I couldn't just stand there all day, waiting for him and his floozy to come out.catch...
In June 2022, TED's climate initiative, Countdown, launched its Dilemma Series: events designed to look at some of the "knots" in the climate change space, where diverging positions have stalled progress and solidified into an inability to collaborate ac
This would seem to show that Mr. Cobalt is hardly right in saying that the first word that occurs is always the best.It may be a very good one;and yet a better may present itself on reflection or from time to time. It may be suggested ...
to leave my small village in Austria -- not that there was something wrong with Austria, it s a beautiful country. But I wanted to leave that little place and I wanted to be part of something big, the United S...
Apple'sefforts to bringiPadapps to the Mac are beginning to pay off, but there's still a long way to go before Mac users are able to find many of their favorite apps on their desktop the same way they do theiriPhoneor iPad.
H: Yeah. Otherwise I'm stuck with my mom and pastor Ted handing out candy to rug rats. S: Your mom and pastor Ted? H: Yeah. They're getting pretty domestic. A: I'd tell her to go for it. My mom moved on. E: Oh, my God. H: Okay, who would do that? S: It's ...
A: And plus there's mystery live entertainment. H: I have to get to the dentist. E: How is Caleb? H: He's getting better. 4 Now he's got out, and we have to go under the radar. A: You're sure you want to go on the ghost train? H: Yeah. Otherwise I'm stuck with ...
Now in that moment, it took everything I had not to say, "I will." But what Emma needed wasn't some therapist who really, really cared. Emma needed a better life, and I knew this was her chance. I had learned too much since I first worked with Alex to just sit there while Emma...