There’s no football team, no cheerleaders, no band, no glee club, nothing you would see in a John Hughes movie. The sad thing for me is Liv missing out on yearbook and not going to dances. This year the students begin their third language and Liv chose Japanese. She said the class...
You know, a tree that is in full bloom with raisins. Yes, I know there’s no such thing as a raisin tree; but walking around makes me hungry and when we go trick or treating I’ll be able to pick the raisins off my costume and eat them with my face and hands. I know one ...
There’s more. In the UK they’ve advanced to something called Average Speed Cameras. This means that the camera clocks how long it takes you to go from a camera at Point A on the motorway, to another camera at Point B miles down the road. If you get there too quickly, you get a...