1 year ago Isaiah 40:15 “Behold, the nations are as a drop of a bucket, and are counted as the small dust of the balance: behold, he taketh up the isles as a very little thing.” All your patriotic songs, flag waving, God bless America won’t save this nation. So what if our...
It must not be supposed, however, that these rages occur only when he is crossed on major issues. On the contrary, very insignificant matters might call out this reaction. In general they are brought on whenever anyone contradicts him, when there is unpleasant news for which he might feel r...
For anyone who has played a game from Frictional Games before, you'll feel right at home. Poor choice of words probably, nothing about The Bunker is even remotelyhomely. Mechanically it has all the familiar bits like pulling open cabinets, drawers, picking up objects and throwing them, carefu...
With your own special talents, you (obviously) have a wider perspective on things than we mere mortals, but for anyone willing to look, the signs are there. To jump (again) on Michael’s bandwagon of “the spirit world pulling back” as you call it—if one can grasp the full scope ...
royale are there: you’ll drop into a gigantic map (solo, or in duo or trio modes); pick up random weapons from a vast, silly selection; and hunt down the other players, while massive walls close in from the edges of the map until there’s only one jiggly wiggly warrior left alive...
Yesterday, I linked one of Sargent Mom's posts at Chicago Boyz (I still find it funny that my friend who is neither a boy nor from Chicago posts there) and on my reading it, and the comments before linking, I found that the very first comment was tedious
’ Nearby is the resettled harbour ofBlue Pinionwhose pebbled beach seems to have been created solely for sitting and staring. I share it with many who venture down the trail from the highway, however, rarely is there anyone else to be seen when I visit. It’s a place I like to ...
referring to Frodo. She directly compares Sam’s love of Frodo to the elf Celeborn’s love of his wife Galadriel. The epilogue ends with Sam hearing the sound of the sea that separates him from Frodo, “deep and unstilled.” As though even in a full and well-lived life there ...
for the most part anyone can declare their love for and propose to anyone they like whenever they like, but I enjoy imagining that on leap years of yore young single women would enter this month with something of the attitude of a professional hunter or a WW1 general embarking on a great...
royale are there: you’ll drop into a gigantic map (solo, or in duo or trio modes); pick up random weapons from a vast, silly selection; and hunt down the other players, while massive walls close in from the edges of the map until there’s only one jiggly wiggly warrior left alive...