I’m not going to waste time going into any more detail, because there are nine other nominees that are a far better choice to watch than this film. Iwilllet you know there is an extended vomit sequence in the middle of the film that starts to resemble the Mr. Creosote puke scene in ...
Even if cruelty, insanity and stupidity are still ruling the World (and we have had some terrible examples in the past months), we’re still trying to do our little job to make things looking like a little more nice and give the world a little touch of beauty. We’ve travelled a lot...
Ian threw himself into all of his music classes, and tried hard to hang in there to learn all the new sheet music handed out each week while memorizing major scales and pentatonic scales, but then misfortune struck in the middle of the fall semester. Days before we were set to leave for...
UnknownProdigy·12/15/2013 Copy Link groan* ImperfectXIII·12/16/2013 Copy Link (slow clap) Doovzzzie·8/20/2013 Copy Link If it says that she's an earth pony/unicorn shouldn't there be a picture of her as a unicorn? Homfrog·9/27/2013 ...