There is no doubt that more than 90% of the population living in poorer countries are below poverty line. I firmly believe that the wealthy nations should support the poor countries by giving aid toward things like food and literature. I will explain my
I work on long documents with numbered lists. I want to always add space between paragraphs of the same style. Over days and weeks of editing, the 6pt spaces between the paragraphs in my docs just ra...
59、ngentialviews,butthesubjectisneverlookedatdirectly.Aparagraphissetoffbyanindentationofitsfirstsentencesorbysomeotherconventionaldevise,suchasextraspacebetweenparagraphs.Incontrast,theAmericansaredirectandlinearinwriting.AnEnglishexpositoryparagraphusuallybeginswithatopicstatement,andthen,byaseriesof ...
Setting up a time zone on the moon is important. Many countries want to send people to live there soon. This is a big goal for NASA. The agency is planning to send humans to the moon. NASA will do this some...
Clicking on that button, Word will take you to a Tab dialogue box. There you will see tab stop positions, default tab stops, alignment, and leaders options. On the Tab dialogue box, you can change the length of your default tab stop on the ‘’default tab stop’’ option box. You ...
Tip To create this mark in Windows, open thecharacter map tool, locate the paragraph symbol, and thencopyandpasteit into your document. 3.WithHTML(HyperText Markup Language), the<p>tag creates a paragraph in aweb page.
There’s an itch (痒) I can’t reach! 4. What does the writer try to do in the first two paragraphs? A. Discuss new ways to enjoy leisure time. B. Show that she loves doing secret things. C. Give examples of how she kills time. D. Get readers to wonder about her behavior. ...
The expert said with a smile, “Let me tell you a ___20___ first.” “When I came to the United States to study, there are often speeches delivered in the university. Each time they invite an expert from Wall...
Ask about their conditions for studying: Is there anyone else in the room? Is it their own room or a common space like living room? Is it noisy or quiet enough? Is connection usually strong or unstable? The more information I have about their learning environment, the less likely I am ...