Alpine is an experience in itself- just getting there with the new Base-to-Base gondola, which opened for the 2022-23 season, offers quite a ride with gorgeous views as it traverses the mountain peaks (it makes two stops along the way). But this involves a little bit of strategic plann...
Texas. It seems no matter where I go, there is always something new to try. My current breakfast fixation is a local place called The Grove -- I just can't get over the time I had their French toast. Delicious.
There’s some uncertainty about the etymology of saunter. It’s been suggested the term derives fromsans terre, ‘being without land or a home,’ which would be a good reason for walking aimlessly. Others believe it comes froms’aventurer,‘to take risks or leave to chance.’ My favorite...
Coach Niall Horan had the honors, and he teamed up Lennon VanderDoes, Alexa Wildish and Julia Roome, who delivered three spectacular performances that had the coaches wishing there were still saves and steals on the table. Alexa stunned the audience with her stripped-down versio...
That said, there's a sense of striving for true beauty, beauty in tests, beauty in expression of code, in markup, that .NET developers should drink in. I'm an Alpha Geek, and you likely are too. I'd love to have the Ruby on Rails developer experience, the gems, the libraries, as...
I feel dismissed. I feel like I'm not being taken seriously. And it pisses me off that there is such a holier-than-thou attitude. That really has GOT to go. Maybe tomorrow at breakfast I will broach the subject gently. Maybe not. That isn't really an appropriate forum for that kind...