New Living Translation Jesus Christ Is God’s Son 1 Long ago God spoke many times and in many ways to our ancestors through the prophets. 2 And now in these final days, he has spoken to us through his Son. God promised everything to the Son as an inheritance, and throug...
I will bless you and ·give you many descendants [multiply your seed] because of my servant Abraham.” 25 So Isaac built an altar [C a place of sacrifice] and ·worshiped [L called on the name of] the Lord there. He also ·made a camp [L pitched his tent] there, and ...
The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, Nor the ruler's staff from between his feet, As long as men come to Shiloh; And unto him shall the obedience of the peoples be.Brenton Septuagint TranslationA ruler shall not fail from Juda, nor a prince from his loins, until there come the ...
--Really, the Aramean, or descendant of Aram. (See Genesis 10:22-23.) The name of the district also correctly is "Paddan-Ararn," and so far from being identical with Aram-Naharaim, in Genesis 24:10, it is strictly the designation of the region immediately in the neighbourhood of ...
of the Catholic church. I reject their claims to such authority. I not only disagree with their interpretation of Matthew’s account of Jesus addressing Peter as “rock” and building the church upon him, but also their claim that there has been a direct line of succession from Peter to ...
And where was he going with all of his notes, anyway? That scene made no sense. One of the biggest mysteries is how Longlegs got the fathers to kill their families and themselves without being present. They make a huge deal out of how there was never any forensic evidence of any ...
Another thing with this kit is, you can adapt it for the age of your children. I can tell you that my two grandgirls will have fun times each day as they listen to the Bible stories and put the puzzle pieces in place. And not to for get finding where Jesus is each day. There ar...
“Then, on May 15, 2018, inside the darkened ballroom of Washington’s Mandarin Oriental Hotel,” a daylong event hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center for health Security, “dubbed Clade X, ‘simulate[d] the response to a fictitious bioengineered pathogen for which there is no vaccine’. . ...
Grendel, the descendant of Cain, is a very hateful creature. He stalks the people and terrorizes them because he is jealous of their joy. Grendel’s stalking of the Dane’s is similar to the devil when he was cast out of heaven and the joys that were there. More parallels are evident...
“tell [them they are] His Own and the joy [they] shared, as they tarried there, none other has ever known. He [spoke] and the sound of His Voice was so sweet, the birds hush[ed] their singing.” Reader, ’tis so sweet to walk with [the Lord] Jesus when one is walking in ...