While his solution worked, it irked me – it seemed like there should be a much tighter solution possible.I can deep dive into the code in a later post perhaps, but I think there are four points of difference. One, since the post was written Axum has started boxing its routes : so ...
A negative value means a rebate. TTIME - transaction time received from the exchange. DAT - time the current row was written into the database. CLORDID - unique order identifier assigned by Tmatic corresponding to the "clOrdID" field, which the exchange registers as an additional parameter ...
Public IP addressesare given to your device (or, what is more often, to your network router). It acts as your computer/smartphone identifier to the broad Internet. To decrease the space address use more rationally, NAT was implemented. This technology allowed giving a single public IP address...
and once Safari finished loading a blank page, I went back to the app. Later, when I went back to Mobile Safari, the blank page was still there. Somewhere along the way, the UX guys at Hotels.com must have been duct-taped
The last digit of a SIC code is the most specific identifier of a company. Factoring in this last digit, there are now more than 1,000 possible combinations. For example, SIC code 2050 (emphasis on the final digit) represents bakery products, while SIC code 2052 represents cookie & cracker...
msg.sig (bytes4) First four bytes of the calldata (function identifier) msg.value (uint) Number of wei sent with the message now (uint) Current block timestamp tx.gasprice (uint) Gas price of the transaction tx.origin (address payable) The sender of the transaction Since Solidity is a ...
Think back to the first physical transaction between Alice and Bob. Is there a way to make digital transactions look more like that? One approach: Alice and Bob could distribute the ledger to all their trusted friends, not just Dave, and decentralize trust. Because the ledger is digital, all...
Controlling cache time There are three primary properties that affect how long an object ‘lives’ in the cache, and what happens when that time expires. The first and most important of these is ‘ttl’, which is set as beresp.ttl, and... ...
with which it keeps a cryptographic link. This allows other users on the network to find your account and send you money, without worrying about potentially revealing your private key. Your public key is also used to create your blockchain address, a user-friendly identifier for your crypto ac...
You can get this identifier by temporarily selecting the desired profile in Xcode (Build Settings -> Provisiong Profile), then selecting "Other...".Open ChatSecure.xcworkspace in Xcode and build.Note: Don't open the .xcodeproj because we use Cocoapods now!