We searched Proquest, SCOPUS, Web of Science, PubMed, JSTOR, Westlaw and Lexis Nexis. Peer reviewed articles, government reports and other grey literature were included. Articles were eligible for inclusion if they were quantitative, in English, included a measure of cost, price, availability of ...
Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA vaccine, complained in a tweet that America’s people were almost utterly blind to the floods of adverse vaccine events that were killing and debilitating their countrymen: ‘The real problem here is the damn press and the internet giants. The press and...
Dan Emrich, has introduced a bill that would ban the teaching of “scientific theories” in secondary schools and allow only the teaching of “scientific fact”. According to the article, the object of this bill is the “theory” of evolution, and since he doesn’...
Calls have arisen for ethical and regulatory frameworks to increase trust in AI technologies. These calls have increased since the interviews reviewed here were conducted in the spring of 2021. Particularly in the early months of 2023 following the release of ChatGPT and increased awareness of AI ...
”Nature” is a weekly international journal publishing the finest peer-reviewed research in all fields of science and technology on the basis of its originality, importance, interdisciplinary interest, timeliness, accessibility, elegance and surprising conclusions. Nature also provides rapid, authoritative...
However, the median income earned by Ivy League graduates from U Penn, Princeton, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Yale, and Brown is unimpressive in the beginning. For schools with single-digit acceptance rates, you'd think the median income earned would be much higher. Ivy League colleges are ...
In the year, we developed a comprehensive plan for complying with EU General Data Protection Regulations coming into force in 2018, and reviewed and updated internal privacy policies. We are guided in our understanding of the role companies must play in furthering human rights by the UNGC, ...
As a reviewer of this paper, I’ve shared my own first-hand account of the peer-review process and early negotiations to re-publish the paper, adding that I’d have expected a scientific journal to have more backbone. As you might expect, the journal copped a fair amount of criticism fr...
the widely read scholarly blog of the European Journal of International Law. He has acted as consultant, expert and adviser on international law issues to states, non-governmental organisations, international courts and tribunals, United Nations bodies, the African Union Commission, the Commonwealth ...
It describes itself as ‘ the peer-reviewed work of a select group of independent scholars’. Even a cursory glance at the journal’s list of Board Members reveals a great preponderance of neoconservatives, Islamophobes, advocates of the notion of the ‘new antisemitism’, pedlars of the ‘...