2 definitions of the word hideaway. Noun A hiding place; usually a remote place used by outlaws An area where you can be alone Words that can be created with an extra letter added to hideaway: Unscramble the letters in hideaway
Be or go into hiding; keep out of sight, as for protection and safety Cover as if with a shroud Make undecipherable or imperceptible by obscuring or concealing Noun The dressed skin of an animal (especially a large animal) Body covering of a living animal ...
punch in the mouth? Need synonyms for punch in the mouth? Here's a list of similar words from our thesaurus that you can use instead.Noun A punch in the teeth knuckle sandwich blow crack hit bang buffet knock thwack smack thump rap belt whack clout stroke sock bash clip bat lick ...
Noun1. hidrosis- the process of the sweat glands of the skin secreting a salty fluid; "perspiration is a homeostatic process" diaphoresis,sudation,sweating,perspiration bodily function,bodily process,body process,activity- an organic process that takes place in the body; "respiratory activity" ...
4 definitions of the word demolishing. Verb Destroy completely Humiliate or depress completely Defeat soundly Noun Complete destruction of a buildingWhat Scrabble words can I make with the letters in demolishing? 10 Letter Words dishelming17 melodising14 9 Letter Words modelings13 shielding14 8 Le...
4 definitions of the word concealing. Verb Prevent from being seen or discovered Hold back; keep from being perceived by others Adjective Covering or hiding Noun The activity of keeping something secret What Scrabble words can I make with the letters in concealing?
In Filipino, the word "akin" is a possessive pronoun that means "mine" or "my." It is commonly used without directly preceding a noun because it already implies ownership or possession. However, "akin" can also be used with a noun to emphasize possession or ownership. For example:- Akin...
Yes,covertis in the scrabble dictionary ...and is worth13points by itself. find more words you can make below Covert Definition Acoveredplaceorshelter;hidingplace. from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition
In this sentence, “on” is the preposition and “bed” is the object of the preposition. You can tell that it is the object of the preposition because it is the noun that comes after the preposition. The dog was hiding under thetree. ...
Pronoun:Someof us were here last night. (Functioning as a noun.) Adjective:I foundsomechange on the floor. (Modifying a noun.) Adverb:Some400 people attended the ceremony. (Modifying an adjective.) Proper usage The main thing to watch out for when using indefinite pronouns is that they ad...