XBRL is Now Mandatory - A Primer for Securities LawyersCorporate GovernanceReview of Securities & Commodities Regulation
Is CPE mandatory for all accountants? No. It is mandatory for all licensed CPAs and CMAs, but non-public accountants are not required to take CPE. However, we highly recommend taking CPE to stay up to date in the latest information. Can I choose any CPE course, or are there specific...
pointed out in an exclusive interview with our reporter that: “These enterprises have responded positively to national policies, performed well in the spheres of environmental protection, social responsibility and corporate governance, and...
To date, the NVI has released a series of valuable publications and tools that address biodiversity and ecosystem services within the finance, extractive, pharmaceutical, and agricultural sectors. About KPMG www.kpmg.co.uk As sustainability and climate change issues move to the top of corporate ...
The role of regulation For some companies, especially larger or publicly listed ones, certain ESG disclosures are already mandatory. For example, companies in the UK must follow the Streamlined Energy Carbon Reporting rules, while the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive applies to non-...
There are huge discrepancies in attitudes across regions, ranging all the way from ‘we must act now’ to ‘not my problem’. While Europe is leading the way in terms of mandatory ESG disclosures, other countries seem to be taking steps backwards. ...
This is, for instance, the case with the UK Stewardship Code 2012 which states: ‘The UK Corporate Governance Code identifies the principles that underlie an effective board. The UK Stewardship Code sets out the principles of effective stewardship by investors. In so doing, the Code assists ins...
I would like to thank Dr Patrick Vallance, our outgoing President of R&D, for his contribution over the last 12 years and for ensuring a smooth transition with Hal. I wish him well in his new role as the UK Government's Chief Scientific Adviser, for which he is uniquely qualified. Hal ...
Despite not being a mandatory regulation, the framework has become an industry standard for security. Kevin Patterson, IS Partners’ Healthcare Compliance expert, highlighted the importance of complying with HITRUST, “The main selling point of the HITRUST CSF is that the framework is based upon a...
Internal auditorsare hired by organizations to provide in-house, independent, and objective evaluations of financial and operational business activities, includingcorporate governance. Theyreport their findings, including tips on how to better run the business, back to senior management. External auditorsus...