For example, one Trial Chamber might only spawn Zombies, Cave Spiders and Strays, while another might only spawn Spiders, Silverfish and Skeletons The exceptions to this are some Trial Spawners in unique rooms which always spawn Breezes MOBS BREEZE A cunning hostile mob spawned by...
Reach the end of a nature section and you'll find yourself in an abstract test chamber of sorts. Here, puzzles are far more intricate. You'll often need to rotate the entire level by weighing down blue buttons, all with the goal of getting a glowing marble to an out-of-the-way goal...
and sends our intrepid miniscule hero into Tetrobot's hardware to clear out the obstruction and reassemble his memory chips. If you haven't played the original, the sequel features more inimitable puzzle-y goodness with elements some have likened to games as diverse as Tetris, Minecraft, Dig Du...