there is not a standard measurement for what make something large. The word large is generally uses a relative term. This means that the only thing that makes something large is the presence of something smaller. Confusing indeed. It becomes clear why there ...
item set multiple cho item study listing item teltxt datafield itemeventterm itemno items count itemsize itemcarpentry itemnormal iterated series iteration function sy iteration statement iteration terminal iterative deletion an iterative earthing iteratively faster iterativeoptimizingte iterior iteso erbusco...
terminate the contrac terminate without lia terminated or exit terminated polybutadi terminating symbolter termination examinati termination of procur termination of treaty termination tool terminology for telec terminology of lifts terminplanung terminus m terminvestment termite proof cable t termite shield ...
38. The activities of the international marketing researcher are frequently much broader than those of the domestic marketer. 38.国际市场研究者的活动范围常常较国内市场研究者广阔。 39. The continental divide refers to an imaginary line in the North American Rockies that divides the waters flowing...
He theorized that decision makers tend to avoid irreversible and long-term decisions when people do not know what the future holds. Some years later, Kohler, Billari, and Ortega (2002) advanced that couples in low fertility countries limited their childbearing owing to economic uncertainty caused ...
BSBack Side(skate term) BSBrown Sugar BSBath Salt BSBattlestations BSBering Sea BSBarber Shop BSBoondock Saints(movie) BSBlind Spot BSBeauty Shop BSBrain Stem BSBOINC(Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing) BSBoob Squish(mammogram) ...
Here I present evidence, largely from recent GPS surveys, suggesting present day continental deformation is actually occurring in a largely plate-like manner through the relative motions of a small number of micro-plates within each deforming zone, sometimes perturbed by isolated zones of deformation ...
However, the US does not view the continent holistically and its approach in the past did not represent a "comprehensive all-encompassing Africa strategy". What Africa would like to see from the Biden administration is a ...
History of the Veterans Administration The roots of the Veterans Administration date back to 1636, when the Pilgrims of Plymouth Colony voted that the colony would support soldiers disabled by its war with the Pequot, a Native American tribe. The Continental Congress of 1776 enacted pensions for ...
Based on the results obtained in the East China Sea, we propose a new term, Continental Shelf Pump, as a mechanism for the absorption of atmospheric CO2. We investigated the carbonate system of the East China Sea along a single observation line traversing its central part on 5 cruises in ...