[Draft]Awesome Cyber Security Resource Collection. Currently contains 8000+ open source repositories, and not very well classified. For each repository, extra info included: star count, commit count, last update time. This is the DRAFT version. - specter
[Draft]Awesome Cyber Security Resource Collection. Currently contains 8000+ open source repositories, and not very well classified. For each repository, extra info included: star count, commit count, last update time. This is the DRAFT version. - alphaSe
specimen of draft specimen plantingisol specitications speckle free redundan speckle pattern speckled duck speckled green speckled type speckledsurface specklepaint spectacle arm drillin spectacled parrotlet spectacled teal breas spectacular bird spectacular spectacul spectacularity spectalize spectcial distinctio...
alkaline-induced GS-SS-SG decay was promoted more greatly by MBB than was by HPE-IAM, as evidenced by marked increase in decomposed products of GS-SS-SG, such as each adduct of H2S (bis-S), GS-, and GSS-adducts, and a CysSS-adduct that is indirectly derived from the polysulfide. ...
This workup included invasive and non-invasive characterization of the participants, to exclude any other heart failure-related disease entity [24]. We then combined the data on expressional regulation in the myocardium with heart-specificity scores (HSSs; arbitrary unit) for mRBP-coding genes, ...
wrote the draft manuscript with inputs from J.C.K.N. J.C.K.N. edited the manuscript. All authors conceived and designed the study, discussed the results, commented on and approved the final manuscript. Additional Information Supplementary information accompanies this paper at http://www.nature...
Such findings reflect the fact that machines Sustainability 2018, 10, 2212 5 of 29 can most successfully emulate humans when a problem is well specified in advance—that is, when performance can be straightforwardly quantified and evaluated—and when the work task environmmeenntt iissssuufffii...
Conclusion: Serum IL-6 levels were elevated early after aSAH and remained high over the two weeks after initial bleeding. Serum IL-6 was elevated in different aSAH associated complications, acting as a non-specific marker for post-SAH complications and an important biomarker for clinical outcome ...
something that made much more sense to me. This was my research and I learnt how to own it and push back graciously. I had also loathed the Elsevier LaTeX template we were given by the editors for for the draft version. It has a horrible layout and awful citation formats that even my...
https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-fGbin7cZbFQ/Ut8JXuqoTOI/AAAAAAAADA4/-Z1hnPQpF5I/s410/pisp.png Trixie's Great and Powerful Guide v1.969696 'P' Edition Brief Introduction My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic is a reboot of the MLP franchise by