This Is the Police 2 (English, Korean, Japanese, Traditional Chinese) Global player ratings 566 ratings 11% 7% 23% Game and Legal Info Interpret the law as you see fit! Run the sheriff’s department, manage your cops, make tough decisions – and try to keep out of prison yourself – ...
美国人常用但中国人很陌生的词汇 | “sheriff”在不同国家地区,职责和含义大相径庭👇 美国:县治安官(警长) 由选民选出,在特定县执行法律、维护治安、执行法院命令。像美剧常见剧情,县治安官会和FBI及本市警察携手办案。 例句:The county sheriff is working with the FBI and our own city police. ...
剧情应该发生在蒙大拿(有人推理的),蒙大拿那个地方又穷又冷(相对上),sheriff本质上是西部时期小镇治安官体系的现代化延伸,其实尖木镇和瑞普顿用sheriff系统也还行,毕竟人更多的明尼苏达两个首府-陪都级别的大城市都分别只有四十多万和二十多***的连维持市警都有点马马虎虎,人更少钱更少的蒙大拿这样也说得过去 来自...
Interpret the law as you see fit in This Is the Police 2, sequel to the acclaimed noir drama This Is the Police! Run the sheriff’s department, manage your cops, investigate, interrogate, incarcerate, make tough decisions – and try to keep out of prison yourself! – in this story-drive...
A sheriff’s primary duty is to provide complete police protection to the unincorporated areas of the county in which they were elected. Nonetheless, they maintain full police jurisdiction in all municipalities and have full police authority when requested by the sheriff of another county. ...
a扰你 Harasses you[translate] aThe Sheriff thought for some time.Then he said Iknow hou we can capture him. let's have an archery competition here in Nottingham.The best archers of the region always come to the competition.The prize for the best archer is the famous silver arrow 警长有一...
This is the police时间线 Sinaloa 1925年7月14日,此时还是杰克·博依德,他出生了! 1952年,一枚莫洛托夫鸡尾酒瓶从夏普伍德县警局的窗口丢了进来,所有警员拼死保住了警局 1959年,夏普伍德县警局内发生了一场大规模枪击案 1960年,夏普伍德县警局再度发生枪击事件 1985年7月14日,弗里堡市长斯图尔特·罗杰斯要求...
What is the collective noun for police? Collective nouns: Collective nouns are singular words that refer to group of things, animals or people as collective units. For example, the "pack" in "a pack of wolves" and the "flock" in "a flock of birds" are collective nouns. Family, staff ...
“What can I do for you, constable? Nice to see you have checked your guns” not knowing you had been relieved of them earlier. “Please give your knives hidden in your boots to my bartender for safe keeping The sheriff is lead into my room although her head seems to be on a ...
Is there a way to swap the Sheriff Granger siren onto other police vehicle? ByKangaRue January 3, 2024inGTA V & RPH Support Share More sharing options... Followers1 Reply to this topic Start new topic Lennyy Community Team Support Moderator ...