要回答“is the server running on that host and accepting TCP/IP connections?”这个问题,我们通常需要执行一系列的检查步骤,这些步骤通常不直接涉及编写代码片段来“佐证”服务器状态,但可以通过命令行工具来验证。以下是你可以遵循的步骤和相应的命令(假设你在一个类Unix系统如Linux或macOS上): 1. 检查服务器是...
could not connect to server: Connection refused Is the server running on host "localhost" ( and accepting TCP/IP connections on port 7878? 一个坑跌两次,可能也就我这么二了。 最近学习flask,需要链接数据库。 但是公司的数据库是阿里云的,需要ssh方式进行连接。 翻阅了所有的文档,没有找到合...
version: "3.9" services: db: image: postgis/postgis:13-3.1 restart: always expose: - "5432" ports: - "5432:5432" volumes: - postgresql-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data environment: POSTGRES_USER: postgres POSTGRES_DB: mydb POSTGRES_PASSWORD: postgres POSTGRES_HOST: loca...
postgresql数据库无法连接,提示 Is the server running on host "localhost" ( and accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5432? could not connect to server: Connection refused (0x0000274D/10061) I... 查看原文 odoo操作could not connect to server ...
Is the server running on the localhost host ( and accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5432 in Rails? Is the web_1 being accepted by the server running on the host localhost (::1)? Is the host for the server localhost (
问题描述: PostgreSQL psql: could not connect to server: Connection refused ,Is the server running on host " and acceptingTCP/IP connections on port 5
PostgreSQL server: could not connect to server: Permission denied Is the server running on host "localhost" ( and accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5432? 网上查了很多文章,发现是SELinux(Linux上的强制访问控制安全模块)惹得祸,很想关闭它, ...
I have a problem when i try to access to postgresql: : pg_pconnect() [function.pg-pconnect]: Unable to connect to PostgreSQL server: could not connect to server: Connection refused Is the server running on host "" and accepting TCP/IP
PG::ConnectionBad (could not connect to server: Connection refused Is the server running on host "localhost" ( and accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5432? ): activerecord (4.0.3) lib/active_record/connection_adapters/postgresql_adapter.rb:831:in initialize' activerecord (4.0.3) ...
psql:could not connect to server:ConnectionrefusedIsthe server running on host""and accepting TCP/IPconnections on port5432? psql -p 1921 psql:FATAL:the database systemisshutting down 数据库连接不上,报“the database system is shutting down” , 意思是数据库正在关闭, 而 PostgreSQL 进程...