After coming to God, knowing that we are only saved by His grace through faith, we must then let go of the world and allow His transforming power to renew us and make us new in His image–“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; beho...
Good Samaritans – Open Your Homes Good Seed – Bad Harvest? Good Trunk, Good Fruit Gospel! Gravatar – how to get one Grid Failure–Would you be ready? Grieve Not the Holy Spirit Guilty HAARP and earthquakes Hail, Fire and Blood Halloween – Fast and Prayer request HAMAS in prophecy Hanan...
One of the enjoyable aspects of being a Jehovah's Witness is the friends that can be made through the congregation and the broad variety of people that can be met through Conventions. However, this is not unique to being a Jehovah's Witness. I have friends of different religious denomination...
The Pharisees were more concerned with enforcing their rules than with the well-being of the healed man. They criticized the man for carrying his bed, which they considered a violation of the Sabbath, but they showed no interest in his healing or the implications of Jesus’ power. The Phari...
Mt Gerizem, the fertile mount of Blessings of the Samaritans is a ticket to Hell; Mt Ebal, the barren mount of Curses is where Jesus is. Religion is derived from Religare “To Bind, Yoke or Hold Back”...
This is my latest column for Christian Today – you can read the originalhere.I am grateful to Christian Today for having the courage to print this. For me this is a really key tipping point in the UK. All those who love liberty, democracy and the freedom we have to proclaim ...
- This perfectly explains it - Credit - - - People need to wake up and smell the BS going on. - And that includes people of every color - As long as violent people blame others for their own c
It seems to me that the saints survive “The Time of Trouble”. That’s why they are “sealed”. The Christian lie about a rapture probably came out because Christianity does NOT want to keep the Sabbath which is one of the ten commandments. The saints keep the commandments including the...