The Doctor Is In: Shingles vaccine may protect seniors from debilitating painSteven Una
Medical professionals believe this speaks of the vaccine's effectiveness in the senior population with dropping case numbers. "We know that these vaccines are working, and the reason is that the group being vaccinated now has a decrease in the number of positivity rates," said Munkarah. ...
The county worker, Alex Triantaphyllis, charged in 2022 with misuse of official information and tampering with records, was accused alongside two other county aides who handled the vaccine outreach contract given to Elevate Strategies, a bidder with Democratic political ties. Triantaphyllis appeared ...
Compost:This is for everyone reading this on the ground and for those visiting who can convince their friends what a big, immediate impact this can have for us here. A typical Cuban home generates about 75% organic waste, 100% of which goes into dumpsters, improvised garbage piles and land...
SAVVY SENIOR: ; New flu vaccine for seniors is high potencyJim Miller