RE4 Remake was the only game (that I saw in the video) that took advantage of the additional frame buffer capacity of 16GB. Every other game seemed to use just 200 or 300 MB more than the 8 GB setting.The other game engines were also weird in that using 16 GB frame buffer reduced ...
But it ain't cheap - Hot off the heels of Resident Evil 4 remake's first public showing, a gorgeous Collector's Edition of the game has been revealed, contai...
It's a natural evolution of what Capcom achieved with the Resident Evil remake, and I'm genuinely so thankful that the company opted not to release the game on the N64 as originally intended. Perhaps more than anything, I really appreciate just how unique this opening section is....
We here at PT were a bit flabbergasted by theiPhone Resident Evilports, Village and RE4 Remake, but then Apple went even further, by announcing Assassin’s Creed Mirage for iPhone 15 Pro. Yep, that’s right, a full-blown triple-A current-gen open-world game coming to a mobile phone ...
this game is better than the re4 of now CAPCOM PLEASE MAKE IT FOR THE WII IT WOULD SELL MILLIONS!famouskingNo it wouldn't, I love the classic REs, but they're only for people with nostalgia, it just wouldn't work for gamers that aren't fans of it, every RE except...
excellent... That said, the launch was not as celebratory as I'd thought and maybe DD2 won't have the special sauce after all... I'd never personally give a goty award away to a fart sniffing remake (unless we want to just go ahead and declare gaming dead) so Final...
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is currently the #1 highest rated game of all time on OpenCritic Reviews— OpenCritic (@Open_Critic)May 11, 2023 Meanwhile, over on Metacritic, Tears of the Kingdom has already become the ...
However, I just wasn’t sure about another installment that lacked a Nemesis, an underground facility, or one-liners (3 Remake‘s Jill to Nemesis:“Next time, taking the f@#%ing hint!”). This is a series that revels in battling the Umbrella corporation’s unchecked hubris. The monster...
Sony already announced that over 100 games were coming to the device. We knew games like Firewall and Synapse were coming which aren’t on other headsets. And, we know games like RE4 Remake are coming that blow away the Quest version and most likely won’t be in PC. But the writer ...
Finally played Space marine 2.its been long time I played a third person shooter game that is actually good. (with the exception of RE2 remake and RE4 remake but they are more of action-horror games). a modern third person shooter that is not cover