Park Rangers act as security guards for NYS Parks and are neither police nor peace officers. Recruitment for the positions, which pay $20.56 an hour, runs through December. There are openings in all 11 regions of State Parks. Applicants must be at least 18 years old at the time of ...
Portions of Thruway Reopen; Routes 400 and 219 Remain Closed ; Eastbound Skyway Is Open, but Westbound Side Still ClosedJanice L HabudaMaki Becker
DMV had not kept bridge tolls separated from income from other parts of the NYS Thruway and other bridges, nor had they apparently kept very good records of expenses of maintenance. I had included in my discovery demand, inspection and repair records, most of which they could not produce. T...
Thruway Authority reports traffic at the Grand Island Bridge was off an average of 46.5% on the southbound and northbound lanes since the pandemic started. Tom Burke reports that Ospreys are building a nest on the Ferris Wheel at Fantasy Island...uppermost basket on the ride. He also let me...