ThestoryofthefallofTroyisoneoftheoldeststoriesinhistory. Itdatesbacktoaround 800 BC, to a poemwrittenby a mancalledHomer. ThepoemiscalledTheIliad(《伊利亚待》). IliumistheGreeknameforTroy.Thestoryis a myth(神话), butmanybelievethecityofTroyactuallyexisted. SomepeoplehavethoughtitwasinmodernTurkey...
Why did Odysseus go to the underworld? Why is it called The Rime of the Ancient Mariner? Why did the Greeks tell fables? Why is Aphrodite important in Greek myth? Why did Virgil write like Homer? Why is Beowulf important as a work of literature?
C The story of the fall of Troy is one of the oldest stories in history. It dates back to around 800 BC, to a poem written by a man called Homer. The poem is called Iliad. Ilium is the Greek name for Troy.The story is a myth(神话), but many believe the city of Troy actually...
Does Paris take responsibility in The Iliad? Does Agamemnon ever fight in The Iliad? Does Odysseus die in The Odyssey? Was the Aeneid a myth? Is Medusa in the Aeneid? Is Achilles' heel mentioned in The Iliad? Is Atlas referenced in The Iliad?
(Classical Myth & Legend)Greek mythGreek hero, the son of Peleus and the sea goddess Thetis: in theIliadthe foremost of the Greek warriors at the siege of Troy. While he was a baby his mother plunged him into the river Styx making his body invulnerable except for the heel by which she...
In the spirit of Halloween, we’re uncovering the layers of myth and history to explore some of these eerie tales—stories of lost souls, revenants, and dark rituals that haunted the ancient Greek world. Join us as we venture into the shadowy underworld that continues to stir curiosity, unea...
George Bernard Shaw titled his play "Pygmalion" as an allusion to the Greek myth of the sculptor Pygmalion, who crafts a figure out of... Learn more about this topic: Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw | Summary, Characters & Themes
The Iliad Homer The Greek Epic on the End of the Trojan War and Achilles’ Wrath 19 min 4.5 Games People Play Eric Berne The Psychology of Human Relationships 17 min 3.5 Science of Evil Simon Baron-Cohen On Empathy and the Origins of Cruelty 19 min 4.1 People ️ Blinkist Sven ...
Achilleswas said to be a heroic warrior, whose struggles over whether to fight in the Trojan War or not are described in detail in several books of Homer's poem "The Iliad." The overall myth of Achilles includes the attempt by his mother, the nymphThetis, to make her son immortal....
The film, set on Haida Gwali in the 19th century, is based on an old Haida myth about a man who survives an accident at sea, only to become so weakened that he is taken over by supernatural beings. It is part of a wider push to preserve the Haida language. including a new dictiona...