在assualt rifle这个缩写里的AR就不对枪的结构和型号做具体区分、只要是突击步枪就都属于AR(assualt rifle)如果你用的是具体到枪的结构和型号的话~ 那么AR在这样的定义下就是特指以美系AR系列型号的突击步枪为主的比如AR-15啊、AR-10啊、AR-18啊、甚至HK416也能划分进这美系AR的范围里~所以在这款游戏里...
The HK416C is an ultra short cal. 5.56 mm x 4 分享201 林书豪吧 VV_Tyyy 在班上一分钟英语演讲稿,介绍林的,请教英语达人有无语法错误Hello everyone! As you know,Jeremy Lin is my favorite basketball player,so today I want to talk about him. Lin was born in Los Angeles,Ameri 分享32赞 ...
The French confirm, Heckler & Koch confirms. And now it is clear: the future of the French Army is German. HK416F is going to be the new standard
Than, in the third round i began to warmup and killed some hatchlings and a guy who got a full-pimped VEPR. One round later, i killed 2 guys with some good gear with my !25k! Mosin. In the last round i took a guy out with a full pimped HK416 and fully loadet gear (all arr...