Adaptive production of fighter males: queens of the ant Cardiocondyla adjust the sex ratio under local mate competition Hamilton's concept of local mate competition (LMC) is the standard model to explain female-biased sex ratios in solitary Hymenoptera. In social Hymenoptera... C Sylvia,H Jürge...
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the best things come the best way out the biased would be the bible of rock rol the bienal internacio the big bag the big big bang the big brigth tear the big clean-up the big dish in xinji the big generation the big projects hall the big ten the big wheel the biggest banks the ...
Male-biased collision mortality of Whooping Cranes () in Florida may be associated with the tendency of males to lead flocks. The sex of Whooping Cranes was recorded for individuals leading flocks while flying and walking (n = 255). Males were more likely to lead than females both while walk...
Ligon RA, Hill GE. Sex-biased parental investment is correlated with mate ornamentation in eastern bluebirds. Anim Behav. 2010;79:727-34.Ligon, R.A., Hill, G.E. 2010b. Sex-biased parental investment is correlated with mate ornamentation in eastern bluebirds. Anim. Behav. 79. 727-734....
The next thing I remember, I felt really drunk. The room was spinning. I felt unsteady on my feet. I was slurring. And then my boyfriend wanted to have sex. I don't think any other people were in the room at the time, but I'm not entirely sure. I don't remember consenting .....
The arrival of pictorial art generated another error. Shapes on picture surfaces are seen as if biased towards the surfaces they depict. Despite these errors, there is a case to be made that Realism holds for our experiences in the normal world and the experiences we get from representational ...
12d). Notably, MRTX-EX185 engaged KRAS(G12V) in cells, which is the most GTP-biased G12 allele described. Although the potency against individual mutants may require tailored chemical optimization, and engagement of WT KRAS may constrain the therapeutic window, our observation that a SII-P ...
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cathode surface cathode voltameter cathode-biased flip-f cathode-grid voltage cathode-ray tubecrt cathodeheaterassembly cathoderaymemorytube cathodic delamination cathodic protection cathodic protection a cathodochromic cathoincation catholic civil rights catholic university o catholic university o catholicism in...