This he took, though, as snuff, pocketing a little wad of it beneath his lower lip and licking down neatly into this with a flick of his tongue which made a frequent grimace come over his face. "The very teeth in my head have always tasted sour to me," he said in explanation. "Th...
i gotta say i gradually formed a i gradually settle do i grew up with monica i grimace i guess hed rather be i guess i could come i guess i need youjim i guess i need youlac i guess i need youpau i guess i should i guess i wae so sure i guess id stay here i guess ill go...
everyone's fear-filled eyes all rise, as if watching Anck-su-namun's body rising. Then one last HUGE FLASH, accompanied by a BLAST OF WIND, and it's over. Anck
Swallowing, he grimaced and staggered over to a chamber pot. Blessedly, the pain faded to a dull throbbing and he was able to, gingerly, grab a pair of pants and pull them on. Then, rather suddenly, he felt the urge to relieve himself. Even the tinkling of passing water against metal...
3 simple ways to care for the future with VEOCEL™ Created by Urbanic The new Insta fashion label to have on your radar From Cosmopolitan for Baileys 5 ways to make the most of summer From Cosmopolitan for Natwest QUIZ: What’s your next big life goal?
“Numbers matter more than you might think,” explained Terri Morrison, speaker and author of the Kiss, Bow, or Shake Hands series of etiquette books. “In China, the word for ‘four’ sounds very similar to the word for ‘death’, so it is a good idea to avoid giving anything in ...
Re: Kingdom Hearts: Reborn from the Darkness (Contains BBS and Days spoilers) As soon as I started reading I couldnt stop haha, I look forward to your next...
Chis said. Dad laughed and handed him the last few swallows of his scotch which Chris pounded it with a grimace. “I’ll get you a fresh one.” He said, realizing he had emptied the glass and nearly choked on an ice cube. “Be careful now.” Dad laughed, “You are playing for a...
I’ve written about all the walkinghere. I’m feeling pretty proud of all those steps. It’s been years since I’ve been able to do this, and I’m grinning lots. But it’s not been all grins. There have been some grimaces. ...
. grimacexbt 1 . gumba_hasselhoff 1 . gurkang 1 . guyfawked 1 . gwenvador 1 . haidren 1 . hairyguch 1 . halzen627 1 . happyfrom2016 1 . hawaii_fact 1 . hawkbit 1 . hbar_10_dollars 1 . headwar 1 . heavy_bluebird_9692 1 . hehechibby 1 . helponadme1 1 . henrycharles007...