The Great Barrier Reef is Dying as Ocean Temperatures Rise
Reversing the damage done to the Great Barrier Reef - and other ecosystems around the world - will be no easy feat, but if we can inspire change in individuals, corporations and governments, there may be hope yet.
Why is the Great Barrier Reef dying? The Great Barrier Reef is facing many problems today. Pollution, overfishing and over tourism (过度旅游) have all caused damage (破坏) to the reef. However, the biggest danger facing the Great Barrier Reef is global warming (全球暖化). Warm waters are ...
Why is the Great Barrier Reef dying? The Great Barrier Reef is facing many problems today. Pollution, overfishing and too many visits have all caused danger to the reef. However, the biggest danger is global warming (全球变暖). Warm waters are making the corals die. The Great Barrier Reef...
Stage 1: The Anticipation Stage Inciting Incident: Marlin, a timid clownfish, is living in the Great Barrier Reef with his son, Nemo. On Nemo's first day of school, he is excited but also a bit rebellious. He swims out to a forbidden area and is captured by a diver. ...
On the lighter side –Toys!Amazing Stories Behind Some Great Inventions,by Don Wulffson.So far we have read about the origins of the slinky, the seesaw (oh dear, what those ancient Romans did with the seesaw involving a lion and 2 particularly unlucky individuals dressed up as clowns.FOR SH...
The planet has already reached several such tipping points. First was the vanishing of coral reefs. Some of us still remember diving amid majestic coral reefs, brimming with multicolored fish of all shapes and sizes. Corals are now almost gone. The Great Barrier Reef in Australi...
‘Grief is a rational response’: the 21 US species declared extinct this year | Endangered species | The Guardian Northwest Australia searing under extreme heatwave conditions ( The Great Malaise: The Search For Meaning During Times of Indifference – The Intellec...
The Great Barrier Reef is Dying as Ocean Temperatures Rise - Waking Times
We examine the potential impact of news media coverage regarding the health and potential future of the World heritage-listed Great Barrier Reef, which is under multiple pressures, both natural and anthropogenic. We draw on the extant literature regarding the impact of news media coverage of other...