Through that arc, the Justice League would form around Superman, creating opportunities for spin-offs like Wonder Woman, Aquaman, and The Flash, as well as a number of canceled projects like Ben Affleck's The Batman, Green Lantern Corps., and a solo Cyborg movie for Ray Fisher. This iter...
In the Flashpoint storyline, Kal-El of Krypton never landed in rural Smallville. In this universe, he landed on Metropolis. As expected, the alien became a top government secret, locked in a vault deep inside the earth and away from any sunlight (the primary source of Superman's powers)....
Flashpoint (1984) More like this >> Two Texas border guards find a jeep buried for 20 years in the desert, with a skeleton, a scoped rifle, and a box with $800,000 in cash. They decide to keep the money, but quietly check up on the info they find. Soon the Feds are running all...
Comments Offon PowerFlashPoint 3.4 — Review Score Convert PowerPoint to Flash Manually Monday, November 10, 2008, posted byGeetesh Bajajat 2:34 pm If you have the time, and if you are familiar with Adobe Flash, then there’s this way of doing the PowerPoint to Flash conversion–that’s ...
But even the most cynical among us had tentatively circledThe Flash release dateon our calendars. By adapting the famous Flashpoint arc from the comics, we thought, this could be theDC movieto reset the continuity and pave the way forJames Gunn’s bold new vision for theDCU. It doesn’t...
Had the movie debuted a few years back — before this age of big-screen multiversal experiments — the studio’s move to tap into but not outright adapt a story like Geoff Johns and Andy Kubert’s Flashpoint might have spoken to there truly being a cohesive plan at work to properly ...
The Flashwill be loosely based on the popular DC Comics storyFlashpoint, in which Barry Allen goes back in time to save his mother's life and accidentally sets off a chain of events that radically changes the universe. He wakes up in a world where Bruce Wayne died as a child, Thomas Wa...
Colin Farrell shares The Batman Part II update Batman's absence during The Penguin explained Joker 2 is now available to watch at home Line of Duty star lands next lead TV role Joker 2 digital release date confirmed after flop Sebastian Stan on missing Star Trek and DC roles ...
Morgan lashed out at the Gillette commercial, now viewed more than 26 million times, by calling it "pathetic global assault on masculinity." Douthat described the APA guidelines as the "latest flashpoint in the culture war over the sexes," failing to mention that they're based on years of ...
this isn’t just about lead poisoning. chloramines have a small cancer risk, and a small number of people report things like rashes, breathing problems, and digestive issues after using chloramine-treated water. on the other hand, dc's crisis is the only real flashpoint in 90 years of chlor...