While it’s not necessary to prove that the King James Only position is false, it should be mentioned that many historians believe King James I was a homosexual. Non-Catholic theological historian Alister McGrath wrote a book that’s quite laudatory of the King James Bible. On the issue of...
When prayer to the dead is mentioned, it is always in a very negative light. The Bible strongly condemns such prayer (Leviticus 20:27;Deuteronomy 18:10–13;1 Samuel 28:7–19). The Bible teaches that there is only one mediator between God and man and that is Jesus. While there is a ...
It is when we are at our most vulnerable state that the truth of the character of the person shows up. In Luke 4, the devil took the opportunity to tempt Jesus. The Bible says that Jesus was full of the Holy Spirit and He was fasting (Luke 4:1-2). At the end of 40 days, He...
Ever since the fall in the garden, humanity has had trouble. Jesus made it clear that trouble was part of living in the world, but God will not give you more trouble than you can handle because God is not the giver of trouble. God is the giver of life.
The Bible's closest to offering an exact definition is Hebrews 11:1:“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” From this particular passage, we see that the central feature of faith—is confidence or trust. In the Bible, the object of fai...
The Bible speaks of a world that you can only experience by reading its books. Look for it not in your neighborhood, your city, your state, your country, or anywhere on planet Earth- it is a world gone with the wind, or much more likely, a world that never really existed. ...
If the proof of its divine origin lay in its wisdom alone, a simple and uneducated man might not be able to believe it. We believe it is inspired because there is nothing in it that could not have come from God. God is wise, and God is good. There is nothing in the Bible that ...
You seem to “hunger after righteousness.” I might ask if you realize that the word for righteousness is the same word in the Bible for justice and means literally to return something to its “right-useness.”? That is what you are doing by your urban teaching ministry and the feeding ...
Why Tradition about the fate of the lost, (as torment forever) is unbiblical and not hermeneutically correct.Why Conditional Immortality is absolutely true and all unsaved souls will one day be "destroyed."Why there is no "immortal soul" doctrine in the Bible, for the lost, at all.Click...
I think it was a tragedy that Hawking was not a Christian. I think God could have used him to show some to the mysteries that are embedded in the bible. Even as in the old bible days when the earth was supposedly flat. Isaiah described God as sitting “upon the circle of the earth...