EVENTS THAT WILL OCCUR BEFORE THE DAY OF RESURRECTION (QIYAMAH SIGNS) Dajjal End Of Times Who will be the followers of the Dajjal? End Of Times Innovations Islam Sects of Islam Why are there so many sects among Muslims? End Of Times Judgement Day Minor signs before the End of the Wo...
Mahdi, Dajjal, and the Christ Mailing list Maitreya – Lucifer is back already? Make Your own (Hydroxy-chloro-?) quinine Making money off the widow’s mite Male witchcraft in the bible Man on the Throne – Ezekiel Man’s Trip to Heaven Many Waters Margarine – not good for you Mark of...
In the Muslim faith, it is recorded that the Prophet said, “This is Medina; the Dajjal is in the east.” According toHadith,Muhammad is said to have prophesied that the Masih ad-Dajjal would be the last of a series of thirtyDajjalor “deceivers” (false prophets). Muhammad is reported...
masih dajjal, sent by Satan in the guise of the True Messiah. He is charismatic and powerful, his skin is the color of bronze, his hair is curly and his eyes flash fire. He pretends to do good deeds, drawing people to him and making...
The Jews’ messiah is the one eyed Dajjal (antichrist) which was mentioned to the prophet Muhammad (saw) 1400 years ago. This may be God’s deception and punishment on the Jews for continuously rebelling against God, why a lot of one eyed symbols around today? Muhammad (saw) said many ...
It is very interesting that Prophet Noah, peace be upon him, is the cornerstone of this Noble Miracle. Not the dajjal Rashad Khalifa. See the Noble Verses for ample details
Foreign troops (UN) are already here. Food rationing during “emergencies” will occur. There is no way the average person can turn their house into a grocery store or Walmart, so future lack can only be met by God. We need to be on our faces before God now. ...
Washington is a marshy swamp filled with corruption more than ever. Pay-to-play politics is here to stay. Trump put even more alligators into the swamp party over the past 15 months. Trump was correct by saying Hillary Clinton is in the back pocket of the lobbyists, but would Hillary be...
A petition says, “Viewers will immediately be able to notice that it is based on Islamic descriptions of the coming of Dajjal,” which is Islam’s false messianic figure. The petition is urging users to boycott Netflix for its “anti-Islamic propaganda” and has already ...
Finally, Jerusalem is where resurrection occurs, and the antichrist, or the dajjal, will seek refuge before Jesus defeats him. Profoundly inscribed by the worldviews of Judaism and, to some extent, Christianity, early Islam was understandably centered on Jerusalem and the Holy Land, the places of...