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In those first few months, the COVID-19 virus outbreak was an epidemic—a disease that had rapidly and unexpectedly spread through a large number of people within a specific population or region. There have been many other epidemics throughout the history of the world, including the smallpox,...
Is whooping cough an epidemic?Question:Is whooping cough an epidemic?Whooping Cough:Whooping cough is a dangerous infection caused by the Bordetella pertussis bacterium. It gets its nickname from the sound associated with inhalation during the worst part of the symptoms. It is a highly contagious ...
Create an account Ask a question Our experts can answer your tough homework and study questions. Ask a question Search AnswersLearn more about this topic: Pandemic vs. Epidemic vs. Endemic | Definition & Differences from Chapter 2 / Lesson 7 137K In this lesson, see endemic vs. epide...
The terms endemic, outbreak, epidemic, and pandemic indicate how common a condition is at a point in time relative to how common it was at an earlier time. The terms endemic, outbreak, epidemic, and pandemic are often used to describe infections, although conditions such as hypertension, ...
In endemic periods, the beetle is most often found in suppressed trees or trees affected by fire or infested by other bark beetles (Cibrían Tovar et al., 1995). Trees over 25 cm in diameter are preferred, although stumps may also be colonized. It is not attracted to felled trees or log...
Something isendemic if it is found in a particular geographic area, population or region. An endemic disease is constantly present in a particular area: for example, AIDS is endemic in parts of Africa. ... The words pandemic, epidemic and endemic often come to public attention in relation to...
Puerto Rico has declared a dengue fever epidemic after a spike in cases, prompting questions about the mosquito-borne illness, its symptoms and treatment options.
Is cholera an epidemic or pandemic? Is polio a bacterial or viral disease? Is leishmaniasis zoonotic? Is rubella a virus or bacteria? Spirilla are bacteria that can cause Is the common cold a DNA virus? Is Lassa fever a communicable disease? Is trichomoniasis a bacterial or viral disease?
What is the most common cause of viral pneumonia? a. Rhinovirus b. influenza virus c. Haemophilus influenza d. Pneumococcus Viral infections: Viral infections are infections contributed by virus manifestation in the body. Viruses attack the body...