A lesion in the bladder is a general term that describes some abnormality that occurs in the bladder, the hollow container that holds urine until it's ready to be expelled from the body. The key to understanding the question is the definition of a “lesion”. Various lesions may range from...
Bladder/urethral smooth muscle contraction is adjunctive to external striated muscle forcesSMOOTH muscle contractionSTRIATED muscleBLADDERURETHRASMOOTH muscleInternational Urogynecology Journal -doi:10.1007/s00192-020-04276-7Peter PetrosInternational Urogynecology Journal...
1. (Anatomy) a tissue composed of bundles of elongated cells capable of contraction and relaxation to produce movement in an organ or part 2. (Anatomy) an organ composed of muscle tissue 3. strength or force vb (intr; often foll by in, on, etc) informal to force one's way (in) [...
One theory is that while thebabyis developing, some sort of blockage occurs in the bladder or urethra. The urethra is the tube that takes the urine from your bladder to the outside of the body. When blockage occurs, urine can’t leave the body, and it accumulates, resulting in enlargemen...
释义: a thin layer of cartilagebetween the surfaces of some joints, for example the knee (膝关节等的)半月板 6.bladder /ˈblædə(r)/ 释义: an organ that is shaped like a bag in which liquid waste (= urine) collects before it is passed out of the body 膀胱 ...
What do the organ of Corti do in the body? What is the smallest bone in the human body and where is it located? Which is the longest bone in the human body? What is a target organ? What is the name of the largest muscle in the body?
To stretch that far, the smooth muscle wall that wraps around the bladder, called the detrusor, must relax. Simultaneously, sphincter muscles that surround the bladder’s lower opening, or urethra, must contract, in what scientists call the guarding reflex. ...
The ischiocavernosus muscle extends from the ischial tuberosity to the clitoral crura, inserting on to the body of the clitoris (this muscle compresses the crura of the clitoris and delays the return of blood through the veins, contributing to maintain the erection). ...
Shortly and simply, the question is, is the vagina a sexually inert organ, a fibromuscular tube which simply encases the penis during intercourse and allows for delivery during the parturition? And, if this is the case, are the women who believe they experience pleasure and orgasm during vagin...
Acute Retention of Urine In The Bladder (more in elderly men) Fibroid Miscarriage Crohns Disease Twisted Testicle Diagnosis Of Abdominal Pain In order to find out what could be causing abdominal pain in a patient, doctors usually want a very good story describing the pain, then proceeds to carr...