Garten, Ina
Four women who work on a popular cooking show band together when they discover the youngest member of their group has an abusive boyfriend. The Barefoot Contessa meets Big Little Lies in this drama-filled novel about the power of female friendships. Marni McGuire is the host of a popular tele...
"Sometimes I do something called 'pretend cooking show' on my Instagram, [and this year] I did a pretend cooking show forBarefoot Contessa's Thanksgiving special!" Garner declared excitedly. Garner'spretend cooking showis hardly pretend at all. With some help from her personal ...
2.Vanilla Peppermint Cupcakes– Oprah did good on this one. I followed the recipe exactly, except for the frosting. I used 2 1/2 cups powdered sugar instead of 3 1/2, and they turned out just sweet enough for my taste. The peppermint is just enough to feel seasonal without being too ...
Chef Ina Gartenturned downJennifer Garner’s request to appear onBarefoot Contessabecause the actress isn’t a "real friend." Don’t worry, Jen. I’m sure Giada would let you appear onEveryday Italian. Some celebrities make as much at$10,000 per Tweetfor mentioning products in their Twitte...
Garten, Ina
Garten, Ina