A branch of Gateway Church, which is based in Dallas, Texas, opened on-site back in 2019. Currently, the senior warden at the Coffield Unit is Juan Garcia, according to theTDCJ website. Also according to the TDCJ, various agricultural endeavors take place at the prison, including "Feedmil...
A branch of Gateway Church, which is based in Dallas, Texas, opened on-site back in 2019. Currently, the senior warden at the Coffield Unit is Juan Garcia, according to theTDCJ website. Also according to the TDCJ, various agricultural endeavors take place at the prison, including "Feedmil...
On January 24, 1993, Gaspar E.LOYA, III, committed the offense of Indecency with a Child by Contact against an 8-year-old female victim. He was convicted of the crime in 1996 and subsequently received an 8-year sentence in TDCJ prison. In January 1999, LOYA was released on parole and ...
He subsequently received a 75-year sentence in prison. Allison was paroled from TDCJ prison in 2003 and has been on the run from authorities since 2004. He was last seen in the Lufkin, Texas area and has family in the Houston and Conroe areas. Allison is currently wanted by the Texas ...
Torrezwas found guilty of causing injury to a child in 2022 and was sentenced to 30 years in TDCJ Edward Wilson - 07/09/2020 Lubbock County Detention Center Edward Wilson - 07/09/2020 Age: 29 Charges: ASSAULT BODILY INJURY/ TOM GREEN COUNTY HOLD ...
(94) A study of the largest victim-offender mediation program in Breaking free of the prison paradigm: integrating restorative justice techniques into Chicago's juvenile justice system TDCJ spokeswoman Michelle Lyons, in an emailed statement, said the agency's Victim-Offender Mediation program offers ...
TDCJ Michael Yowell - October 9, 2013 Date of Offense 05/09/1998 Age at Time of Offense 28 Native County Lubbock Prior Occupation Steel Fabrication, Cook, Laborer Prior Prison Record #505775, 8-year sentence for 1 count of Possession of a Controlled Substance; 06/16/89 released on Pre-Pa...
On September 17, 2012 a civil suit was filed in Harris County District Court on behalf of Mr. Hughes asserting that TDCJ has denied him the right to be free from cruel and Page 6 unusual punishment by changing the protocol for lethal injections. On October 3, 2012 the CCA ordered the ...
Arthur Dewayne Carson is a Texas 10 Most Wanted Fugitive with ties to Austin, Mexia, Lubbock, and Fort Worth, Texas. In 1991, Carson was convicted of Robbery Causing Bodily Injury and subsequently sentenced to 12 years in TDCJ prison. He was released on parole after several years but was ...
He subsequently received a 75-year sentence in prison. Allison was paroled from TDCJ prison in 2003 and has been on the run from authorities since 2004. He was last seen in the Lufkin, Texas area and has family in the Houston and Conroe areas. Allison is currently wanted by the Texas ...