In shooting a firearm, selecting an ideal cartridge is vital. The gun owner’s proficiency in carrying and shooting the gun is also important. You need to know how to control the recoil to get accurate hits every single time. Additionally, you need to also consider the availability and legal...
At the bare minimum, residents in all parts of the country should have a 72-hour kit. It is not expensive to plan for a 72-hour long emergency and it may save your life. You may not be able to think of everything, but having the bare essentials can really help should the SHTF. W...
Buying your first firearm can be a challenging endeavor for everyone. There are several models and brands of guns to choose from, and there is no limit to the hype surrounding each one. The key is finding the right type for you, such as the taurus 9mm. It will be another task that ca...
threatening yelling, whatever," Priest explained, demonstrating in the model of the bedroom. "I could have it here, she could be reaching up and grab it at the time of the discharge. Firearm goes off, I could drop the firearm, pull her into my hip turning to create this stain and...
At present, there are a number of quality police trade-ins in .40 S&W at a bargain. It isn’t unusual to see GLOCK pistols — and sometimes the SIG P-series — on the used shelf for less than 400 dollars. In new handguns, theTaurus G2C, an improved version of the original compact...