which is commonly prescribed to treat bipolar disorder. Other drugs that may not interact well with paracetamol includewarfarin(Coumadin®). Potentially there is risk of increasing blood thinning if you take both drugs, which can be dangerous. ...
She eventually came to and spent two weeks in intensive care supported on oxygen but amazingly, no pain relief apart from paracetamol as they felt she might go back under if stronger pain relief was given. She was up and down and very weak but managed to speak to us and respond but ...
Why it is dangerous to drink alcohol while taking Zofran? As explained before, Zofran is a 5-HT3 receptor antagonist that inhibits the action of the chemical messenger serotonin within the brain. However, because of its specific mechanism of action, it hasshown to be effectivein changing how ...
As close to certainty of bet there is (which is obviously dangerous in markets like ours), I am fairly confident that the next decade’s returns will not be as attractive as this decade (neither ‘supernormal’ nor ‘very good’) just purely because of starting valuations across sectors of...
it hasanti-inflammatory properties that can help even in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. It’s also used in cases of intoxication with paracetamol, which is likely to happen in cases of high fever (and self-medication), especially as more effective antipyretic drugs such as sodium metamizole (Novam...
Lithuania is generally asafe country. Thecrime levelsare on par with those in the USA. However, unlike the USA and many other countries, Lithuania has no unsafe districts or "ghettos" and crime is spread fairly evenly. Districts with many bars (e.g. Vilnius Old Town) may be less safe ...
Call me crazy, but the mere fact of chocolate possibly being dangerous for my pet is enough for me not to feed it. Jack February 2, 2013 6:40 am I had a Dalmation once who stole a box of belain choclates and had no ill efects but this was probley due to his size I had herd...
The hospital was great but I was only given strong paracetamol and tiger balm. I was told to stay in bed in a hotel for two days and then fly home. I flew 18 hours back to Seattle. The pain was unbearable. Airlines don't care and neither do hotels. In fact, no one makes life ...
instead of paracetamol. But we are confused about whether Nimesulide is safer than Paracetamol or if it has worse side effects than the Paracetamol. If one feels fever 102-104 then for immediate treatment before getting a doctor, which medicine must be taken for first aid: paracetamol or ...