With their recent gold medal at thePan American Gamesin Santiago, Chile, a few weeks ago, theMexican teamwas able to qualify for the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris. The Mexican team as a whole has not qualified for the Olympics since 1996. Individuals from the team have qualified in previous...
Kaori Yamaguchi won a bronze medal in judo at the 1988 Seoul Olympics. Mikako Kotani won two bronze medals at the same Olympics in synchronized swimming. And Naoko Takahashi was a gold medalist in the marathon at the 2000 Sydney Olympics. Mori’s remarks have put the spotlight on how far ...
In 2000, the original Speedo® Fastskin™ model was launched at the Sydney Olympics. Using sharkskin as a model, the Speedo® designers had created a bodysuit that mimicked the texture and efficiency of shark skin. At the Olympics that year, 83% of the swimming medals won were by swim...
Bad day overall for Greek athletes at the Olympics with only bright spot Kynigakis in the marathon swimming. Let's see if the water polo team makes us happy later today/tomorrow. Our last hope for a medal. 1 Antaeus7 Members 3.2k Location:Las Vegas Interests:Track and Field Oly...
Peter Ueberroth was on a plane flying with Juan Antonio Samaranch, the International Olympic Committee president, from New York to Washington when the news flashed that the Soviets were boycotting the Los Angeles Olympics. Harry Usher was in Los Angeles, on his way to see Police Chief Daryl Ga...
I remember learning moves called the Submarine and the Eiffel Tower...when I see what's going on today in synchronized swimming, I'm blown away. I will probably teach my grandchildren these water ballet art moves when they come to visit me. There's something magical about moving like a ...
I've always liked watching the synchronized swimming during the Olympics. IF they air it that is, which doesn't seem to happen very often. I had no idea that the US was so successful in it, which makes me wish they would show the competitions more often. ...