The game focuses on League of Legends champion Sylas, revolutionary fighting back against the kingdom of Demacia for taking advantage of mages. We only see a little bit of gameplay in Riot Forge's 2023 lineup trailer, but it definitely looks somewhat similar to Moonlighter with its isometric...
Sylas200906’3"1.90 m Jarvan IV200906’3"1.90 m Draven200906’1"1.85 mWithout hair Shen200906’2"1.87 m Pantheon205935’9"1.75 m Pyke210956’4"1.93 m Olaf215975’11"1.80 m Udyr215975’10"1.77 m Tryndamere220996’1"1.85 m Yorick2301046’1"1.85 mUpright ...
was the first to pick Sylas in the LPL. Still, he had quite a tough time utilizing this champion in laning phase and in teamfights as well. With numerous teams and players still studying the best build and runes for Sylas, we’ll have to see whether this new champion will become...
CoelasquidJanuary 25, 20162:24 am I was gonna say I had to come up with a last minute comic because we had a big Royal Rumble party and it made me realize how much I say things like that and how many Wrestling parties we throw. ...
have a winning bot lane matchup, and have a mage in the mid lane, with the occasional mix up of Akali/Sylas. I wish good luck to Rogue as well. It’s their meta, so it’s their chance to hopefully make the European fans proud, which is ...
Amumu is a melee champion similar to Leona, but way too one-dimensional. If the fight ever starts ON Amumu, it's all bad. That, paired with things like Sylas that can counter Amumu, makes Amumu not as good anymore. I also think...