Is Sulphur good for skin? It is the third most abundant mineral in the human body. Sulfur seems tohave antibacterial effects against the bacteria that cause acne. It also might help promote the loosening and shedding of skin. This is believed to help treat skin conditions such as seborrheic ...
Is Dimethyl sulfoxideharmful to Humans?Dec 1,2022 Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) was discovered as a by-product of the paper making process in Germany in the late 19th century. It's a colorless liquid that is famous for its ability to penetrate the skin and other biological membranes. Dimethyl ...
VOCs contain different chemicals that can be inhaled by humans that may cause short-term to long-term effects to their health. Some of these VOCs if left in high concentration can even cause cancer cells to develop in the human body, especially in the lung organ. Conversely, VOCs c...
Where do sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide pollutants come from and what problems do they cause? What gives the yellow color to urine in humans? What elements do plants synthesize? What are the nutrients required by the human body in large quantities?
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When scientists studied the smell, they found that only some people could smell the odor, and not everyone’s urine smelled like sulfur. Some people could smell it in their own urine and in others, while some people couldn’t smell it at all. ...
There was a period in the past, from about 5000 to 9000 years ago, that was called a climate optimum. Optimum means a great climate for humans. Even the IPCC admits that the Holocene Climate Optimum was at least +1 degree warmer than today. ...
Of course, the gay man and I hit it off immediately. Later on, he and I decided to climb around the top of Bromo. So there I was at 5am, scrambling around the edge of an smoking volcano, sulfur clouds blowing into my face, and I’m asking this gay man: “So, what’s your fa...
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Lucifer is simply Latin for the alchemical element known in Greek as phosphorus in which Lucifer is from the morning star known a Jupiter. The feminine aspect is portrayed as the goddess Isis (Cybele, Rhea, the Magna Mater etc) who represents sulfur from the planet Venus. You are making ...