Sukuna is a driving force in the world of JuJutsu Kaisen, being legendary in the lore of the show for being the most powerful curses to ever have existed. In the anime, we are introduced to Sukuna after Itadori is forced to eat one of his fingers to survive a curse attack. As it tur...
As one of the most beloved characters of Jujutsu Kaisen,Gojo's death against Sukunacame as quite an unpleasant surprise as no one had seen it coming, not even the characters of the series themselves. Hailed as the strongest sorcerer humanity had to offer throughout the series, Gojo's victory...
Kenjaku is one of the most powerful characters to exist in the Jujutsu Kaisen universe. Just imagine how much knowledge about cursed energy he must have gathered after being alive for over a thousand years. All this knowledge along with his powers make him one of the most novel characters in...
All Might has numerous skills that make him unstoppable enough to beat anyone and to redefine what the title "strongest hero" means. The techniques given to him by his Quirk One For All,the smashes Texas Smash and Detroit Smash, for example,help him to take down enemies with brute force a...