2 definitions of the word stitched. Adjective Fastened with stitches Verb Fasten by sewing; do needleworkWhat Scrabble words can I make with the letters in stitched? 7 Letter Words ditches13 6 Letter Words chides12 cisted9 edicts9 ethics11 histed10 itched12 itches11 stitch11 theist9 thetic...
Sponsored Links Words that can be created with an extra letter added to stretch: Unscramble the letters in stretch There are 3 words that can be made by adding another letter to 'stretch'. A:chattersratchets I:chittersrestitchstitcher Y:stretchy...
As for the terms sitter/sit there are two main assumptions: The use of the word "sit" to refer to a person tending to a child is recorded from 1800. The termmay have originated from the action of the caretaker "sitting on" the baby in one room, while the parents were entertaining or...
Word Decomposition 织 zhī to weave; to knit 几 jǐ how much; how many; several; a few 针 zhēn needle; pin; injection; stitch Related Words Derived Words or Phrases Sign-in Similar-sounding Words Sign-in New Search Wildcard: Use * as placeholder for 0 or more Chinese characters or...
Dictionary definitions of the word quilts The meaning of quilts quilts 3 definitions of the word quilts. Verb Stitch or sew together Create by stitching together Noun Bedding made of two layers of cloth filled with stuffing and stitched together...
stitch sci ors stitch welding stitch herringbonh e stitch-up stitchbonding stitched ends stitching stitching andturning stitching dart stitching oil stittch stkcd stlability stlc stlp stmps stnley sto dnej posle detstv stoa of attalus stochastic and determ stochastic bubble stochastic coalescenc st...
degradation,debasement- changing to a lower state (a less respected state) Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visitthe webmaster's page ...
stitch per inch stitch surface points stitchdown footwear stk1 stk strike stl synchronoustransi stl style stlcheckstl stm scanning tunnelin stme stmicroelectronics fr stmik stn super twist nemat stnfm sto stockholm stobb stochastic control sy stochastic crack grow stochastic hydrology stochastic modelling...
5 definitions of the word fagot. Verb Ornament or join (fabric) by faggot stitch Fasten together rods of iron in order to heat or weld them Bind or tie up in or as if in a faggot Noun Offensive term for an openly homosexual man ...
Make a mountain out of a molehill. 69 小洞不补,大来吃苦 A stitch in time saves nine. 70 小不忍则乱大谋 Patience is a virtue. 71 工欲善其事,必先利其器 You cannot make bricks without straw. 72 不要厚此薄彼 Don't make fish of one and flesh of another. ...