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His administration will include more than a dozen billionaires, the wealthiest since President Warren Harding’s corrupt White House. To end the first Gilded Age, Hayes realized, massive reforms were needed. “The real difficulty is with the vast wealth and power in the hands of the few...
A universal redux version of my Meteor attempt at Words with Friends (online scrabble). - words-with-strangers-redux/input_words.txt at master · joshwcomeau/words-with-strangers-redux
Hayes Brown OK, sorry to be a downer, but this whole rigamarole tonight is probably not one we’re going to experience again before Election Day. As Inoted earlier this week, Trump has managed to waylay and stonewall the three other criminal trials that he had been set ...
Nickelodeon hired actor Donovan Patton to be the new host of "Blue's Clues,"a character named Joe. So as not to traumatize or confuse the show's very young viewers, the transition from Steve to Joe occurred with a primetime special.Steve carefully explained that he was leaving for college...
Long before Steve Harvey gained mainstream fame I was not feeling his brand of humor. I thought he was the least talented of the Kings of Comedy and was constantly distracted by high top fade toupee. I thought his sit com was bland remix of every school sit com from Welcome Back Cotter...
Hall joined another performer at the club, Steve Mote, to form a duo, and gradually from this nucleus a seven-piece band evolved called the Geyer Street Sheiks. The Sheiks’ arrangements of blues, rags and novelty focused on multipart harmonies and extended improvised instrumental breaks. ...
a giant slayer, and instantly became a giant herself. she had taken out congressman joseph crowley, the fourth most powerful democrat in the house and heir apparent to speaker nancy pelosi, on the promise that she would hold power to account and work to change who had a seat at the table...
•Sir John Hayes- The Conservative MP for South Holland and The Deepings earned £50,000 per annum for between 80 and 90 hours work as a strategic adviser to international energy company BB Energy Trading. It works out at an average hourly rate of between £5...
Adam Schiff and former baseball star Steve Garvey. The PACs also spent more than $1.7 million backing Shomari Figures, a House candidate in Alabama who finished on top of a crowded field of candidates running to represent a redrawn district in the Montgomery area. Figures will advance to a ...