Ecosystem –“Stellar’s social and developer communities are among the most active in fintech.”–Goals include increasing marketplace and community presence, intergrating more community feedback, and collaborating with ecosystem projects. Organization –Goals include hiring more good people and increasing...
Stellaris开发日志 #182 脚本编写的可能风险以及如何避免他们Stellaris Dev Diary #182 : The Perils of Scripting and How to Avoid Them 对于玩家没什么用 13550 pchy吧 一世凡筱 【Love·Pchy】{101126心意}仅献给咱们亲爱的王子Pchy和骑士Mario一如既往,献给娃 (此贴不带有任何目的,仅是单纯的几篇文章,不过...