it was clear the country wasn’t ready for a woman when Clinton ran (even though she did win the popular vote, much to Trump’s chagrin) and wasn’t ready for a woman of color his time around. The Democrats need to be a bit less PC, sorry to say. No female candidate. No gay c...
Health (both physical and mental… my breakdown of “starvation mode” and eating “1200 calories day” covers some of the lovely effects of very low calorie diets), the potential for nutrient deficiencies, the potential for disordered eating habits to develop, the potential for food and body i...
A universal redux version of my Meteor attempt at Words with Friends (online scrabble). - words-with-strangers-redux/input_words.txt at master · joshwcomeau/words-with-strangers-redux
and while you can tell it’s a couple of decades old (flip phones, the whole post-9/11 War on Terror subplot, and attitudes towards same-sex attraction though that’s partly also a cultural thing and more on that later) it’s really held up in a way few TV series ever have. I...
I generally feel pretty healthy and I’ve always heard of people having naturally fast or slow metabolisms; is it possible this is why I weigh as little as I do or is it just a myth? Is having a naturally fast metabolism the same as hypermetabolism?
Its been roughly a year since the lights went out on Broadway and everyone around the planet put on masks – well those of us who believe in science did anyway – shut down schools, worked from home if you could, stressed about dying either from the virus or, honestly, starvation if the...
E.However, it was only a matter oftime before they finally died of starvation. F.Widely regarded as the first true powerful drug, insulin has saved millions of lives. G.Insulin is a hormone that unlocks cells and lets glucose (葡萄糖) in, where glucose is either used as energy or ...
Unmasking The Global Food Cartel: Is Massive Starvation and Population Reduction Their Next Move? Sam Parker obviously has access to very high-level intelligence, and “Sam Parker” is probably a pen name, so any searches you conduct to learn his identity will probably fail. ...
As a woman who spends time in the gym working to build muscle, you’ll need to make sure you don’t cause your body to slow down and go into starvation mode. If you start to notice that in spite of your workout routine you’re not really packing on new muscle, you should pay att...
its people dying from starvation with no solution in sight. This knowledge coupled with his father’s death shatters Lyon’s mind. Despite being a bright, strong man with a genuine desire to protect his kingdom, Lyon does not believe himself capable. He goes so far as to defy the laws ...