The animals were trained to tell the colour of the square they were supposed to be remembering based on the location of the spot, by staring at the matching colour on a rotatable(可旋转的)wheel.(给猴子看两个不同 颜色的方块,一个在另一个上面,持续半秒钟。在短暂的延迟后,一个黑点出现在与...
Verb Move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment Wander from a direct course or at random Lose clarity or turn aside especially from the main subject of attention or course of argument in writing, thinking, or speaking ...
Verb Break into many pieces Damage or destroy Cause to break into many pieces Adjective Seemingly loud enough to break something; violently rattling or clattering Noun The act of breaking something into small pieces Sponsored Links What Scrabble words can I make with the letters in shattering?
For example, **staring at** someone too long can be interpreted as a threat, standing too close may cause **embarrassment** and uneasiness, and touching your neck when talking to others probably **demonstrates** that you feel nervous and **lack** confidence. Sometimes body language speaks ...
staring8 starver10 staving11 stearin7 stinger8 strange8 striven10 striver10 tangier8 tarries7 tarring8 tarsier7 taverns10 tearing8 teasing8 terrain7 trainer7 triages8 vainest10 variers10 vastier10 veritas10 versant10 versing11 vesting11 vinegar11 vintage11 virgate11 6 Letter Words ageist7 agent...
Let’s look at a few more sentences. Read each sentence carefully and see if you can tell if the bolded word is a gerund or a participle. Snowboardingseems pretty dangerous. We weresurfingall day yesterday. Staringblankly at his test, Craig knew he was going to fail. ...
A. Although B.Since C. Until D. Once7. A. decided B. hoped C. ordered D.tried8. A. imagine B. stand C. control D. forget9. A.staring B. laughing C. pointing D. shouting10. A. Standing B. Sitting C. Falling D. Lying11. A.jumped B.faced C. ran D. moved12. A. methods...
staring8 stearic9 stearin7 stinger8 strange8 tacrine9 tangier8 tanrecs9 tearing8 teasing8 tracing10 tragics10 trances9 triages8 6 Letter Words acetin8 acting9 actins8 ageist7 agents7 aigret7 airest6 angers7 antics8 antres6 arcing9 argent7 arisen6 arsine6 ascent8 astern6 cagers9 cagier9 cair...
Is it phubbing if you're staring at your tablet instead of your phone? Is the singular noun (and the base form of the verb) spelled phubb, as in the example above, or phub, as in some other sources? These are the sorts of questions we'll need answers to before we're ready to ...
“In English, on the other hand, when the agent or doer of the action expressed by the predicate verb is to emphasized, we make it the subject of the sentence, which is thus in the active form. Or when the subject of the action is to be emphasized, we make the object of the verba...