“The Sri Lankan government has ratified CEDAW, and this is therefore further encouragement for them to repeal these discriminatory laws and free us from the stigma and violence caused by criminalisation,” Rosanna Flamer-Caldera, the founder of Equal Ground said in a statemen...
The Government has announced a series of measures to help people who have are unable to work due to contracting coronavirus or having to self-isolate, or who have lost their employment or closed a business due to coronavirus. The following assistance can be claimed by a person who has ...
Kiharu MP Ndindi Nyoro has claimed that there is a political machination aimed at silencing Deputy President William Ruto's lieutenants from Mt Kenya.The MP has further claimed that there are plans to arrest him next week over the management of National Government Constituency Development Fund (NG...
Sunday April 3, 1836—Joseph records he “attended meeting in the Lord’s House, and assisted the other Presidents of the Church in seating the congregation, and then became an attentive listener to the preaching from the stand. Thomas B. Marsh and David W. Patten spoke in the forenoon to...
Instead of calling for “additional substantial efforts”, more recent statements from the UNFPA have denounced any concern about population growth as “alarmist” and even claimed that past efforts aimed at lowering fertility were “ineffective and even dangerous” [37]. 4. The World Population ...