MySQL: Distinguishing It from SQL The acronym “SQL” stands for Structured Query Language, a type of programming language that’s used for manipulating data in a database. MySQL uses the SQL language to manage and query data in databases and, hence, uses the acronym as part of its name....
在做sql 优化时,对之前的表添加个索引,却给出了Specified key 'idx_t' was too long; max key length is 767 bytes提示,后来通过查询资料,发现: 代码语言:javascript 复制 由于MySQL Innodb 引擎表索引字段长度的限制为767字节,因此对于多字节字符集的大字段(或者多字段组合索引),创建索引会出现上面的错误。 以...
进入mysql 修改(此修改为临时性,重启mysql将失效) 设置sql_mode @GLOBAL.sql_mode 和 @SESSION.sql_mode 退出quit; 服务器异常报错解决。当一旦 service mysqld restart; 重启mysql,此设置将失效,异常报错依旧存在。 二、永久解决 修改Linux系统中MySQL配置文件/etc/my.cnf,可按如下步骤进行: 进入MySQL配置文件所...
方案一:通过sql语句暂时性修改sql_mode 去掉ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY,重新设置值 SET@@global.sql_mode='STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,NO_ZERO_IN_DATE,NO_ZERO_DATE,ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION'; 上面是改变了全局sql_mode,对于新建的数据库有效。对于已存在的数...
这个错误发生在mysql 5.7 版本及以上版本会出现的问题:mysql 5.7版本默认的sql配置是:sql_mode="ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY",这个配置严格执行了"SQL92标准"。 很多从5.6升级到5.7时,为了语法兼容,大部分都会选择调整sql_mode,使其保持跟5.6一致,为了尽量兼容程序。
后来发现是服务器用的5.7版本的MySQL mysql 5.7版本默认的sql配置是:sql_mode=“ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY”,这个配置严格执行了"SQL92标准"。由于开启了ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY的设置,所以如果一个字段没有在target list 和group by字段中同时出现,或者是聚合函数的值的话,那么这条sql查询是被mysql认为非法的,会报错误。
This highly integrated architecture design greatly reduces the operation and maintenance cost of a distributed system.In terms of interfaces, Apache Doris adopts MySQL protocol, supports standard SQL, and is highly compatible with MySQL dialect. Users can access Doris through various client tools and ...
SQL Support: MySQL supports the SQL (Structured Query Language) standard, providing a robust set of commands for data manipulation, querying, and management. Scalability: MySQL is designed to handle large volumes of data and high traffic loads efficiently. It offers various techniques for scaling yo...
What is a MySQL relational database? My Structured Query Language (MySQL) is a common open-source SQL relational database that performs all the basic SQL commands, such as writing and querying data. A reliable, stable, and secure database management system (DBMS), MySQL is widely adopted ...
Two of the most popular RDMS systems are MySQL and SQL Server. In fact, as per thelatest trend, MySQL is dominating the entire database space with around 38.9% share. Well, both the system is based on the SQL server, but they work distinctly although performing the same functionality. ...