“My favorite food is Spicy Boiled Fish, it is very delicious although very spicy.”(我最喜欢的食物是水煮鱼,虽然很辣但非常美味。) 然而,如果food被两个或更多表示不同种类事物的形容词修饰时,根据“a singular abstract noun may take a plural verb if it's modified by two or more adjectives refe...
Nouns do a lot of work in our sentences. They fulfill the important jobs of acting as subjects and objects. Sometimes, though, a noun needs a break or there’s not a noun that perfectly suits a sentence. When nouns need a helping hand, who are they going to call? No, not ghostbuster...
Dictionary definition of the word spicery The meaning of spicery spicery 1 definition of the word spicery. Noun The property of being seasoned with spice and so highly flavored More words that can be made using the letters in spicery Synonyms of spicery...
Noun A small drink of liquor (offensive slang) offensive term for a person of Japanese descent The taste experience when a savoury condiment is taken into the mouth The property of being moderately cold A tart spicy quality A small sharp bite or snip ...
She made a spicy sauce for the pasta. 10 A mixture for enhancing the taste of dishes. The secret to the dish was the chef's special sauce. 5 A culinary preparation used as a dressing or topping. He drizzled chocolate sauce over the dessert. 5 An accompaniment to meals, often spiced ...
soldermask top soldier of turkey soldiers family membe soldiers tale a soldierantdinergate soldiers asked the co sole agency agreement sole fish with spicy sole of the rudder sole priertership sole supplier sole wage earner soleco solef soleid valves solely responsible solemar villas solenoid locki...
cocktail economics cocktail romain cocktail sauce spicy cocktail shrimps with cocktail spears coco anut butter coco bomb coco chaneland igor s coco company coco park cocoanut charcoal coc cocoa matting cocoa shell butter cocoanut jam coconut board coconut buttons coconut fibers coconut iced latt coconu...
Words that can be made with the letters in piquancy Dictionary definitions of the word piquancy The meaning of piquancy piquancy 2 definitions of the word piquancy. Noun A tart spicy quality The quality of being agreeably stimulating or mentally exciting...
答案: 【the importance of a policy】 3、问题:Read the following choice items for a conversation and predict the question.A) It can benefit professionals and non-professionals alike.B) It lists the various challenges physicists arc confronting.C) It describes how some mysteries of physics were ...
What does a stick mean in rap? The slang term “Stick” is a noun, which is used in rap music and hip-hop culture to reference firearms or weapons. What stick me means? to stay close to someone, or to continue to do something: Stick with me, and we'll do lots of interesting thi...