David Livingston/Getty Images “He’s a nerd,” the Colombian star said of theMagic Mikestar, 40, who is currently in New York City shooting the filmStano. “The highlight of his life is to play Dungeons & Dragons,” she added, referring to the fantasy role-playing game beloved by ner...
The upcoming show, which sees Modern Family star Sofía Vergara play notorious Colombian drug lord Griselda Blanco, includes much of the same creative team as Narcos, including Newman – who was showrunner on the Pablo Escobar-focused series. However, speaking to Digital Spy and other press ahead...
SOFIA VERGARA. Colombian actress and model winner of international television awards, based in the United States. ... JUANES. ... JAMES RODRIGUEZ. ... CARLOS VIVES. ... NAIRO QUINTANA. What is Colombia known for drugs? According to Bloomberg News, as of 2011, studies show that Colombia is...
California. Of the 17 recipients — which includeBeyoncé,Selena Gomez, andCardi B— she is the first Latin American and Colombian woman to achieve this honor. And while being the first of anything in 2024 can still be frustrating, it seems the Billboard Women ...
Fans of Narcos and more specifically Narcos: Mexico will have known Ammann as the Colombian drug don Pacho Herrera of the Cali Cartel, who gave an unforgettable performance as the hugely powerful, ruthless and fabulously gay drug boss. Griselda spoilers follow. Ammann's character in Griselda, ...
Sofia Vergara plays Blanco, who took her "Godmother" nickname so seriously that she actually named one of her children Michael Corleone Blanco. Helmed by Colombian director Andrés Baiz and produced by the team behind Narcos, it's a classic rise-and-fall crime drama. Vergara's performance won...
Also lunching at In Situ was self-taught first generation auteur Victor Gaviria, the only Colombian filmmaker to get into the Cannes Official Competition, once with his first film (“Rodrigo D – No Future”) in 1990, followed eight years later by his second (“The Seller of Roses”). Bot...
Griselda on Netflix stars Sofía Vergara as drug boss Griselda Blanco and she's also joined by a number of Narcos and Narcos: Mexico actors in the show.